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Consultancy Services - Maconda


Assistance with managing supply chains, pre-refurbishment audits and facilitating Cradle to Cradle assessments for products or materials.

Circular Resource Management

Pre-demolition / Pre-redevelopment Audits

Green Supply

Cradle to Cradle Assesment

Circular Resource Management

Transforming Waste into Revenue

Implementing effective circular resource management requires experienced support. Critical items such as contract clauses, pre-demolition / pre-refurbishment audits, supply chain engagement and on-site support and monitoring is critical to ensuring success. To enable circular management of assets, project teams must consider the strategy, operating model and products and services that can achieve the outcomes.

Maconda can help. As an effective facilitator backed up with years of experience in Cradle to Cradle and circular economy practices, as well as drawing on real world experience within manufacturing and on-site construction, we are perfectly positioned to enable you to reap the benefits of a circular approach. Our team can help you set your goals, plan your implementation and manage the delivery.

Unlock your resource stocks and release additional value from your projects and assets.

Pre-demolition / Pre-redevelopment Audits

Unlocking Possibilities

As both the financial and environmental costs of demolition become more and more apparent, it is critical to understand what is in an existing site before any informed decision can be taken as to its future. A Maconda Pre-Redevelopment Audit will provide you with the information necessary to enable circular management.

We will review known information and documentary evidence before conducting a site survey to conduct a full inventory of the materials. Our inventory will provide as accurate as possible estimates of the types, nature, quantity and status of materials as well as their suitability for reuse or upcycling. We can then provide full passporting of all materials to allow for circular management and analysis of residual value, allowing you to make informed and strategic decisions about your project.

Green Supply Chains

Educating, Engaging, Empowering

The supply chain is the lifeblood of construction. Every large project emerges from a vast network of specialized product and service suppliers. Yet this fragmentation has its drawbacks. As the industry is pushed to reach net zero emissions and carbon impact is tabulated and recorded, a diverse and extended supply chain can pose a risk. For every new project the vast majority of emissions tend to be scope 3 (external including supply chain) and this is around 98% for Tier One contractors.

Not only this, but supply chain directly impacts the capacity to deliver circular asset management. Circular projects are still a new and relatively niche, meaning that many supply chain partners are unfamiliar with the purpose and requirements of circular resource management. Products intended for liner use are still by far the most common on the market and installation methods are outdated and produce immense waste. While a growing and vibrant market of circular enabled products has emerged, as well as specialist contractors who can install in line with these principals, business as usual approach is still the mainstream.

We can help. By engaging and connecting with your supply chain we will educate, explain and facilitate circular economy practices. We can support suppliers obtaining passports as well as ensuring installation in conformance.

Cradle to Cradle Assesment

Transforming Products and Practices

Cradle to Cradle© (C2C) certification is considered the gold standard of assessing a product as circular. No standard is more rigorous and as a result, C2C certified products are the most renown in the world for their conformance to circular principles. The ultimate goal of C2C certification is to encourage innovation in the design of products that effectively and positively impact people and the environment.

As the built environment shifts towards circular management and market demand for products that can aid this shift grows, the benefits of C2C certification become more and more apparent. Implementing the C2C framework requires changes in traditional business practices, but it can help you to have an improved product that is better for people and planet as well as place you at the leading edge of companies adopting circular practices.

Maconda can provide you with information about the standard, help to understand the benefits of certification and advice on choosing your options. Our assessors will review your products, determine their conformity to the standard and advise on ways to achieve your C2C goals.

Get In Touch

541 Melville Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301,


Phone:  +012.345.6789

Work Inquiries


Phone: +012.345.6789